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Clarinda Park Horses
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"Elvis" Gets To Be Weaned At 11 Mo

"Elvis", as we call this gorgeous colt of RockNRoll Dance and Gloria Lombo, just got weaned over the weekend together with the other 3 colts of Clarinda Park Horses -- "Arthur" (Modern In Art x Queen Latifah), "Teddy", and "Jack". It is a bit unusual to wean foals this late at 11 months old, but we wanted to try a different process. And since we have time and an extra paddock in the farm, why not keep the mothers and the sons together a little bit longer. Drawback, the said paddock has no crops sown in it.

We are trying to educate our horses while they are still young -- way before they get big and strong. Somehow, it is for the benefit of the horses that they have enough time to be educated and trained; But it is also about us to avoid us getting hurt ;) . This time around would be their second time to be handled. They were handled when they were still 3 months old, and their mothers were standing beside them.

We wanted them to get used to being touched, so we were patting the foals. Elvis was quiet all throughout. On the other hand, Arthur, the colt behind me, was playing up at first that there were moments I thought I would be pinned between the horse and the fence. I had to be patient and cautious. I don't want to get hurt, and I don't them to get hurt as well. I had to be aware where my fingers were -- if my fingers are in between rope or halter and the horse decides to play up, it would probably hurt like h377.

I can't believe that this is Elvis at 11 months old. I could remember that he was just a tiny creature when he was born. He was the first foal who was born at the farm when Clarinda Park Horses was established last year. For that, he will always be a special foal for us at Clarinda Park Horses.

And here he is at 3 months old.

For the next 2 weeks or so, we had to stand next to them. Touch them, pat them, and talk to them. That would keep us busy in the afternoon. And we were thinking of doing the process to other foals at the farm.

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